During the baiting seasons, hunters holding a baiting permit (and current NH hunting license and permits), are permitted to hunt select wildlife species over bait in certain locations. Hunters planning to hunt over bait must file for a permit from Fish and Game, which requires a landowner signature giving permission to place bait on their property. Baiting applications may be printed online or picked up at any Fish and Game office. There is no charge for a bait permit.
Specific baiting rules are summarized in the NH Hunting Digest. Note - The special disabled deer baiting season applies only to persons holding a permanently disabled veteran’s license (per RSA 214:13) or a paraplegic license (per RSA 214:13-c).
Requests for baiting permits for bear and deer on state-owned or state-managed lands (including federally managed lands) (Fis 307.05) must be received by the Department or are postmarked between the first Monday in June and the first Monday in August to be accepted. Applicants may apply beginning December 1 for permits to bait coyote for the following year. Bait permits for all other eligible species will be accepted at any time. Permits to bait wildlife on State-owned or State-managed lands are issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
For the purpose of distributing both trapping and baiting activity on these lands, they are divided into "trapping units" [Fis 303.13 (c)]. View maps of some of these lands (Note that the “Permit Available” column of the table refers to the TRAPPING PERMIT and not the baiting permit. Some listed properties are NOT open to baiting.)
If you are applying to bait on state-owned or managed lands, fill out 1 copy of the Permit to Bait application and send it in to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Law Enforcement Division, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301, along with a detailed topographic map showing the specific location of the bait site. Once it has been approved, our offices will send you the signed permit and distribute one to the Wildlife Division and one to the Conservation Officer.
Permits to Bait Wildlife on the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Forest
From 2017 onward, permits to bait wildlife on the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Forest (CLHF) will be awarded by a lottery conducted by the Fish and Game Region 1 Office in Lancaster, NH.
If you are baiting on private property for bear, permits must be postmarked by the first Monday in August to be accepted. A permit to bait for deer on private property must be postmarked by the first Monday of October to be accepted. The following process shall be followed:
Never use chocolate as bait - it can be toxic to wildlife and is illegal to use for bear. Learn more.
Phone: 603-271-3127